MS46522B 是双端口高性能 ShockLine 矢量网络分析仪系列。 此高性能系列拥有不可超越的高价值与高性能,能够提供同类产品中的动态范围,能够降低在多种测试应用( 92 GHz)中的测试成本并加快上市速度。 这些测试应用包括设计和制造移动网络设备、移动设备、汽车线缆、高速数据互连与系统集成组件。
选件82是4端口MS46522B 的E波段频率选件。具有于市场的经济性E波段毫米波测量功能。对于只需要E波段频率范围的应用,新的500B系列55-92 GHz的毫米波选件是目前市场上价值的,能大量生产E波段组件的解决方案。
MS46522B-010 VNA可添加附加选件。选件51和61,分别为源和接收机访问环路和偏置节选件,给予自定义测试设置的灵活性。接收机访问环路改善仪器的本底噪声,降低接收机的压缩点,允许具有高动态范围的要求的DUT测试。偏置节为测试时需要直流偏置的器件测试提供直流电源接口。
MS46522B 系列采用 3U 机箱封装,使用与 ShockLine 系列相同的 GUI、软件、命令语法、驱动程序和编程环境。
Precision Automatic Calibrator Modules
Model Number | Description |
MN25208A | 2-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz (available with connector options: -001 N(f), -002 K(f), -003 3.5 mm(f) |
MN25408A | 4-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz (available with N(f) connectors) |
MN25218A | 2-port USB SmartCal Module, 1 MHz to 20 GHz (available with K(f) connectors) |
MN25418A | 4-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 20 GHz (available with K(f) connectors) |
36585K-2M | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(m) to K(m) |
36585K-2F | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(f) |
36585K-2MF | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(m) to K(f) |
2000-1809-R | Serial to USB Adapter (required for use with 36585 AutoCal module) |
Optical/Electrical Calibration Modules
Model Number | Description |
MN4765B-0040 | 2-port, 800 nm to 890 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz |
MN4765B-0042 | 2-port, 800 nm to 1700 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz |
MN4675B-0043 | 2-port, 800 nm to 1700 nm, 1300 nm to 1330 nm, and 1530 nm to 1620 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz |
MN4765B-0070 | 2-port, 1480 nm to 1620 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 70 GHz |
MN4765B-0071 | 2-port, 1300 nm to 1330 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 70 GHz |
MN4765B-0072 | 2-port, dual 1530 nm to 1620 nm and 1300 nm to 1330 nm, O/E Calibration Module, 70 kHz to 70 GHz |
Mechanical Calibration Kits
Model Number | Description |
3650A | SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
3650A-1 | SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit, With Sliding Loads, DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
3652A | K Connector Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
3653A | N Connector Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
3655E | Waveguide Calibration Kit (WR12) |
OSLN50A-8 | Precision N Male Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLNF50A-8 | Precision N Female Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLN50A-8 | Precision N Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLNF50A-8 | Precision N Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLN50A-18 | Precision N Male Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLNF50A-18 | Precision N Female Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLN50A-18 | Precision N Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLNF50A-18 | Precision N Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-20 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 20 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-20 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 20 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-40 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-40 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-43.5 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee with S1P data, DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-43.5 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee with S1P data, DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
Verification Kits
Model Number | Description |
3663-3 | N Connector Verification Kit |
3668-4 | 43.5 GHz K Connector Verification Kit |
Cables and Adapters
Model Number | Description |
N120-6 | RF Cables, Semi-Rigid, N(m) to N(m), 1 each, 0.01 to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, 15 cm (5.9 in) |
NS120MF-6 | RF Cables, Semi-Rigid, N(f) to N(f), 1 each, 0.01 to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, 15 cm (5.9 in) |
1091-26-R | SMA(m) to N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-27-R | SMA(f) to N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-80-R | SMA(m) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-81-R | SMA(f) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NN50A | Precision Adapter, N(m) to N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NFNF50 | Precision Adapter, N(f) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NK50 | Precision Adapter, N(m) to K(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NKF50 | Precision Adapter, N(m) to K(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NKF50 | Precision Adapter, N(f) to K(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NKF50 | Precision Adapter, N(f) to K(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
K220B | Precision Adapter, K(m) to K(m), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
K222B | Precision Adapter, K(f) to K(f), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
K224B | Precision Adapter, K(m) to K(f), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
SC7260 | WR12 to W1(m) Adapter, W1 (1 mm) to WR12 Waveguide |
SC7442 | WR12 to W1(f) Adapter, W1 (1 mm) to WR12 Waveguide |
35WR12WF-EE | Precision Waveguide to Coax Adapter Kit, 56 GHz to 94 GHz, WR-12 to 1.0 mm(f) |
33KK50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(m) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
33KKF50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(m) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
33KFKF50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(f) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VFK50A | Precision Adapter, V(f) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VFKF50A | Precision Adapter, V(f) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VK50A | Precision Adapter, V(m) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VKF50A | Precision Adapter, V(m) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
Test Port Cables, Flexible, Ruggedized, Phase Stable
Model Number | Description |
15NNF50-1.0B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 18 GHz, N(f) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15NNF50-1.5B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.5 m (59”), DC to 18 GHz, N(f) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15NN50-1.0B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15LL50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, 3.5 mm(m) to 3.5 mm(m), 50 Ω |
15LLF50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, 3.5 mm(m) to 3.5 mm(f), 50 Ω |
15KK50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, K(m) to K(m), 50 Ω |
15KKF50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
3671KFS50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 26.5 GHz, K(f) to 3.5 mm(m), 63.5 cm, 50 Ω |
3671KFK50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(m), 63.5 cm (25 in), 50 Ω |
3671KFKF50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(f), 63.5 cm (25 in), 50 Ω |
3671KFK50-100 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(m), 1 m (38 in), 50 Ω |
806-304-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 40 GHz, 36 in (91.5 cm), K(m) – K(f), 50Ω |
806-423-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 24 in (61 cm), K(f) – K(f), 50 Ω |
806-424-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 24 in (61 cm), K(m) – K(f), 50 Ω |
806-425-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 1 m (39.4 in), K(f) – K(f), 50 Ω |
806-426-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 1 m (39.4 in), K(m) – K(f), 50 Ω |
Phase-Stable 18 GHz, 40 GHz, and 43.5 GHz Semi-Rigid Cables (Armored)
Model Number | Description |
3670N50-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(f), 50 Ω |
3670N50-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(f), 50 Ω |
3670NN50-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
3670NN50-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
3670K50A-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 43.5 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
3670K50A-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 43.5 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
USB Power Sensors
Model Number | Description |
MA24106A | True-RMS USB Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz |
MA24108A | True-RMS USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 8 GHz |
MA24118A | True-RMS USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz |
MA24126A | True-RMS USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 26 GHz |
MA24330A | Microwave CW USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 33 GHz |
MA24340A | Microwave CW USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 40 GHz |
MA24350A | Microwave CW USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 50 GHz |
Model Number | Description |
01-200 | Calibrated Torque End Wrench, GPC-7 and Type N |
01-201 | Torque End Wrench, 5/16 in, 0.9 N·m (8 lbf·in) (for tightening male devices, for SMA, 3.5 mm, 2.4 mm, K, and V connectors) |
01-203 | Torque End Wrench, 13/16 in, 0.9 N.m (8 lbf·in) (for tightening ruggedized SMA, 2.4 mm, K and V test port connectors) |
01-204 | End Wrench, 5/16 in, Universal, Circular, Open-ended (for SMA, 3.5 mm, 2.4 mm, K, and V connectors) |
Anritsu has partnered with the following industry-leading companies to provide a variety of proven material measurement capabilities that are compatible with the VectorStar and ShockLine vector network analyzer families.
Material Measurements
![]() | Compass Technology Choose from off-the-shelf or custom-designed RF material measurement systems able to measure material properties from 100 MHz to 90 GHz. These solutions include: focused beam, resonant cavity, waveguides, spot probes, free space measurement systems, and more. Anritsu and Compass Technology Group Material Measurements Solutions Compass Technology Group VectorStar Integration [video] |
![]() | Keycom Technologies Select from a variety of material measurement solutions that leverage various methods including: resonator, frequency change, probe type, co-axial tube and waveguide type S-parameter, free space, capacitance, epsilometery, and more. Anritsu and Keycom Material Measurement Solution |
![]() | SWISSto12 Providing hardware and software technology capable of measuring: solid samples; soft sample and foam; liquid samples and powder; thin films; dielectric coatings and multilayer materials; alumina plate; and more. Anritsu and SWISSto12 Material Measurement Solution |