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产品型号: MS27101A





Anritsu MS27101A 远程频谱监控器

Anritsu 推出三种型号的远程频谱监控器产品,专门用于查找干扰问题以及识别非法的或未经核准的信号活动。 MS27101A 采用 1U ½ 机架外壳封装,专用于室内应用。 MS27102A 是一款防护等级达 IP67 的室外操作设备,可使用附带的安装支架安装到长杆或墙壁上。 MS27103A 是一款多端口频谱监控器,配备 12 个(可选 24 个)射频输入端口,非常适合蜂窝式、DAS 和其他需要使用多天线的应用。

PC based IQ analysis software for use with IQ data captured from a Remote Spectrum Analyzer

IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software provides a comprehensive suite of measurements that deliver post processing and analysis of IQ data files captured on the Remote Spectrum Analyzers. The software is designed to bring together all the essential tools required to capture IQ data files and then gain critical insights into the nature of the captured signals. Modes within the application, support the ability to capture or stream IQ data into the PC memory, perform modulation quality measurements and playback IQ data with high frequency and time resolution.

A file conversion mode allows IQ data captured on the supported analyzers to be converted to the format required for playback using a Vector Signal Generator MG3710E further enhancing the overall capability.

The software is designed for national RF spectrum regulators, security agencies and defense electronics companies who need to gain critical insight into RF signals that have been captured in the field. It is also suitable for organizations that need to monitor and protect RF spectrum from unlicensed operators or unintended sources of interference

IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software


通过仪器上的千兆以太网端口,实现与 MS27101A 之间的通信。提供多种选项,以便使用 DHCP 服务器动态获得 IP 地址,或用于设置静态的 IP 地址。本款仪器发运时的默认静态 IP 地址为。通过笔记本电脑/台式电脑连接至仪器后,IP 类型可通过监控器集成网络服务器呈现的用户界面进行更改。

如果使用 DHCP,Anritsu 会提供以太网发现程序,该程序能够查询连接至您网络的所有设备。您可以从 Anritsu 网站上找到以太网发现程序。

部分用户可能愿意选用域名服务器 (DNS),在这种情况下,频谱监控器的主机名称可被解析成动态 IP 地址。您可通过 DNS 服务器创建主机名称。主机名称的示例为“mymonitor1.org"或“"等。目前存在几个免费的 DNS 服务。比如,Anritsu 使用过 。您需要创建一个帐户,并为您的仪器选择主机名称。



MS27101A 远程频谱监控器应用


Hardware Options

Option Description
MS27101A-0128 Vector Signal Analysis Enabled (use with MX280005A)
MS27101A-0706 9 kHz – 6 GHz Spectrum Monitor

Vision Options

Option Description
MS27101A-0400 Vision Monitor Enabled
MS27101A-0401 Vision Locate Enabled (requires option 400)
MS27101A-0407 High-Speed Port Scanner
MS27101A-0486 Coverage Mapping (requires option 407)

Optional Accessories

Option Description
760-288-R Transit Case
2000-1371-R Ethernet Cable, 2.13m (7 ft)
2000-1528-R GPD Antenna, SMA(m) with 5 m (15 ft) cable, 3 dBi gain, requires 5 VDC
MA8100A-001 NEON Signal Mapper - 3D in-building coverage mapping solution for use with MS27101A
(1 year license)
MA8100A-003 NEON Signal Mapper - 3D in-building coverage mapping solution for use with MS27101A
(3 year license)
MA8100A-005 NEON Signal Mapper - 3D in-building coverage mapping solution for use with MS27101A
(5 year license)
MA8100A-100 NEON Signal Mapper - 3D in-building coverage mapping solution for use with MS27101A
(Perpetual license with 3 years cloud service and 3 years maintenance and support)


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