为适应当今无线通信市场的快速发展,除了安装新的 3G 和 4G 网络之外,您还需要拥有使您能够有效维护遗留网络的各种工具。 随着市场不断扩展,您需要维护的基站将不断增多。 这就意味着在现场您需要快速完成扫描、即时执行校准以及快速地完成对迹线的命名。
Anritsu 新推出的这款您期待已久的 S362E Site Master 将电缆与天线分析仪以及频谱分析仪组合安装于一个独立的集成式设备中,易于使用、功能强大且性价比业界,能满足您的种种需求。 为适应严酷的现场条件而设计的这款 S362E Site Master 集成式电缆与天线分析仪 + 频谱分析仪,能够极大地提高您的工作效率,它了传统的先故障再维修的维护方式,能够在发生重大故障之前就确定并解决存在的一些小问题。
Compatible with the Smart Aligner Android application for the generation of site close out reports including antenna alignment results from Multiwave tools and line sweep results.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Highlights
Spectrum and Interference Analyzer Highlights
Line Sweep Tools (LST)
Anritsu Line Sweep Tools (LST) is the latest generation of Handheld Software Tools, an industry standard. This PC based post-processing software efficiently manipulates line sweep and PIM traces for reporting purposes.
easyTest Tools (eTT)
easyTest Tools allows users to Create work instruction files on their PC, Deliver these files by , and then Display work instructions on supported instruments and modes. These easyTest™ files provide step-by-step instructions for both the test setup and instrument operation.
easyMap Tools (EMT)
easyMap Tools provides maps in formats that Anritsu's handheld spectrum analyzers can use for either coverage mapping or interference hunting. It helps users find and prepare geo-referenced maps and building floor plans for use by Anritsu handheld Spectrum Analyzers.
Wireless Remote Tools
Wireless Remote Tools™ is Anritsu's remote control software, available as a free download. It works with many of our Handheld RF Instruments. The Wireless Remote Tools software allows users to wirelessly monitor and control a wide range of Anritsu handheld RF instruments. Wireless Remote Tools provides a solution for the times when it is not practical to be close to the instrument.
Master Software Tools (MST)
Master Software Tools (MST) allows Anritsu handheld Spectrum Analyzer users to Capture, Analyze, and Document traces and measurements taken with a wide variety of Anritsu handheld spectrum analyzers.